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Financial Wellness Benefit
for Small Businesses

Is your workforce feeling the financial pinch, juggling personal finances while striving for professional success? Imagine a workplace where employees open their bank accounts with confidence, tackle debt strategically, and approach retirement planning with assurance. It's time to bridge the gap between financial knowledge and genuine financial well-being for your team.


We're here to be the catalyst for positive change within your team, guiding them toward financial abundance and a healthier, more balanced life. Let's embark on a journey where financial wellness isn't just a buzzword but a tangible reality for each member of your workforce.

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The Overview

This Financial Wellness program is crafted exclusively for small businesses. We understand that financial well-being is crucial not only for individuals but also for the success of your business. Our program offers a holistic approach, combining insightful webinars with personalized coaching sessions to empower your employees on their financial journey.

Empower your team with financial confidence.

Your employees and your business will thank you!

The Process


Strategy Call


This is a free, no-obligation call to review the options available and fully customize your financial wellness package. We'll focus on creating a benefit your employees will love.


Lunch & Learn


We'll kick off with a Money Management webinar. From debt repayment, to crafting a budget, to planning for retirement, we address key topics. The session includes 10 minutes for Q&A.


Employee Coachings

& Plans


Each employee has unique needs, which is why they need a unique plan! This offer includes two coaching sessions and one customized financial plan per employee.


Additional Add-Ons


Want to offer more for your valued employees? Consider including on-going coaching for your employees or pick from additional webinars, from topics like Budgeting For Variable Income or Debt 201.

Offer the benefit your employees want!

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