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1:1 Financial Abundance Coaching

Ready to stop feeling anxious when you open your bank account? Tired of feeling overwhelmed when thinking about debt and underprepared when thinking about retirement? Want to move financial knowledge to actual financial well-being?


Simply knowing the numbers can only get you so far. It's time to get cozy with your money mindset and go beyond the math. It's time to feel financially abundant!


We want to be the one that helps you get there.

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The Overview

Our 1:1 program is for women who are ready to take the first steps toward a harmonious and empowering relationship with money.


This program is designed to provide you with the tools, insights, and support you need to transform your financial future. Don't let limiting beliefs hold you back—embrace a mindset of abundance and unlock the doors to a wealthier, more fulfilling life.​


We do this through creating a personalized financial plan, digging deep into your money mindset, and meeting regularly to making continuous progress.

The Process


Discover Call



This is a no-obligation, free call to understand the program & decide if we're a good fit!


Intake Call



We kick off with a review your numbers, financial & life goals, and money mindset.


Financial Path



Review your unique fin. plan. ​​Including a game-plan for your budget, debt, savings, & more!


Ongoing Coachings

(50-mins/twice monthly)


These calls serve as accountability to continue showing up for yourself & your money.


Progress Review



Recalibrate numbers, goals, & timelines, and acknowledge the progress you've made! all starts with you taking the leap!

Ready to feel good about your money?

It's time you control your money, not the other way around.


What's included?


A Unique Financial Plan

This is the customized pathway to your financial goals and dreams.


The plan includes the math...

a budget & spending blueprint, savings & investment strategies, and a debt repayment plan.


...and the work that will take you beyond the math!


Unlimited Email Support

Think of us as your personalized money hotline!


Whether you're navigating questions or celebrating victories,  you have the support you need. 


We're never more than an email away.


Six 50-Minute Coachings

Change takes time and effort, which is why we meet twice per month.


Each call we will address challenges, update the numbers, and outline aligned action items.


You'll know we're always waiting to hold you accountable! ;)


Weekly Money Motivation

We'll pop into your inbox with extra exercises & motivation. 


This may be a journal prompt related to a challenge you're facing, an expander to help you believe your wildest dreams can come true, or a link to a podcast episode we think you should hear.

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