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Meet Your Coach, Becca

Founder of Money Beyond Math

Financial Coach since 2020

After graduating with $50,000 in student debt and on a teacher's salary, I thought finances would be my biggest stressor for life. Then I learned more about budgeting, saving, and paying down debt. I felt empowered and saw a path forward. 


Yet financial stress still found a way into my daily life.


I wondered, if I"know" the right thing to do with money, why do I still feel so uneasy? I began to look at my mindset and relationship with money. 


Transforming the way I think about money has been life-changing. Now, I teach clients how to do the same. 

Financial freedom is the sweet spot where your money aligns with your values and empowers your dreams.


1 / Client Success

Coached over 200 clients, with significant achievements such as credit score improvements of over 100 points, saving fully funded emergency funds, and successful elimination of debt from amounts exceeding $40,000 in credit card debt.

2 / Professional Experience

Five years of experience in personal finances, working as the Financial Wellness Lead at the top credit repair company and Financial Coach at an early financial wellness start-up.

3 / Certified Financial Trainer Program

Completed a Certified Financial Training program to complement practical experience with a robust foundation of financial knowledge.

Working with a financial coach was truly one of the best decisions I've ever made! If you are struggling with debt, want to save for the future, start investing, buy a home—have any financial questions at all, I would highly recommend working with a financial coach!


"I've been coached by Becca a few different times throughout my career. First when I was living paycheck to paycheck, and again when I received my first six figure job. In both instances, she was able to provide tailored advice, and talk me through the financial transitions I was experiencing. I am infinitely more confident and sure in my financial decisions, thanks to Becca's support and resources."


I first sought out a financial coach because I realized that I could always be smarter with my money, and that I was behind on investing. With coaching, I have gained knowledge and confidence in my financial decisions. If you’re on the fence, DO IT!!! Everyone can continue to learn.


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